Oh Dexter, you're not doing it just to soften the blow?
--Tracy Lord
Steve Terrell, we who are about to rock salute you!
Former state Sen. Roman Maes might have lost the Democratic primary to freshman Sen. John Grubesic, D-Santa Fe, last year, but that didn't keep him away from the Roundhouse for long.
According to the Secretary of State's web site, Maes, former chairman of the Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee, is now a registered lobbyist for Microsoft, Valor Communications, St. Vincent Hospital and Santa Fe County.
Two things:
#1. Being a Republican during election time in Santa Fe is kinda like watching Survivor. If you're into that sort of thing, you'll find plenty of entertainment, at some point there's voting going on, and what you think will not change the outcome at all.
#2. Even though he's on the other side of the aisle, I feel for John Grubesic. Can you imagine how he must have felt? He goes to all the trouble to knock off an incumbent, and now he's gotta see him on a regular basis in the Senate? This is like The Philadelphia Story with Roman Maes as Cary Grant, Santa Fe County as Katharine Hepburn and John Grubesic as the guy who got the shaft in the end. And did you notice two of the big clients Maes is representing? Santa Fe County, and St. Vincent's Hospital (which is in Santa Fe). Uhh...didn't he lose that job in the election? That must be the greatest vote of confidence ever, having Santa Fe County basically say, "We don't know what the people in this county were smoking...heh ..actually it's Santa Fe, we do know what they're smoking. Anyhow, they chose John, but for our money it's Roman all the way. I can just see the conversation:
John: Roman! What are you doing here?
Roman: Oh, Santa Fe County is paying me to make sure their interests are heard in the Legislature.
John: Isn't that /my/ job? I mean, I am the State Senator from the area.
Roman: And I'm sure you're going to do a bang up job of it, too. Look, I gotta run. I'm going to be late for this luncheon Dede Feldman's hosting.
John: Lunch, what lunch? HEY....WAIT!
And to top it off, Roman's probably making more money as well.
If I was John Grubesic, oh, you'd have some great headlines: